Sunday, December 11, 2011

Blog 18

In this semester I enjoyed learning all the many things we covered in English 099. It has been a wonder experience for me to just be in college around thinkers like myself. All the reality topics we learned about was extremely interesting to me because it enhance the way I see life even more. When we did blog 12 in the food unit I really tried my best to get a good grade and gain knowledge at the same time. I can relate to blog 12 For instance, my grandma would not eat half of the foods that some people eat today. My grandma was a very picky eater and so am I. She would eat a lot of fruits and veggies and made me eat it whether I like it or not but I love her for that.

The second blog I enjoyed working on was blog 11 it was about tap water and bottle water myth. I was surprise to know that New York water was better than a lot of other places and tap water is pretty much ok to drink. I recently stop purchasing bottle water and started drinking tap water and now I can save about $50 to $60 dollars monthly. I really appreciate watching this video Annie Leonard narrated about water myth it was great info to know.

Lastly blog 8 was my favorite blog that I worked on because “Red pill or blue pill: Is Ignorance Bliss” I can really relate to the most. For instance, I always want to know the truth about life. I always felt that something was missing and I tried to analyze what it was many times in my life. So I would have taken the red pill and instead of the blue pill just to know the truth about the world.

Internet experience
I was excited when I use the internet and posted one of my blog just to get feed back because before this class writing was very difficult for me to do. Now I enjoyed writing and expressing my thoughts on my blog. Using the internet is great because now I know how to write on Microsoft word, Google doc, and I know how to use a blog for the first time plus many more thing I know how to do.

English 099
In English 099 I had a great experience working with Dr. X and my classmates. Everyone was nice to me so I felt very comfortable in class. We worked in groups and I was able to get a better idea of what to do. The assignments we learned were interesting because it was basis on exposing the truth to us.         

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